
Use this website format?

You are free to steal this website's source code that is available in the combinoob.github.io repository of my Github profile. If you use the exact same format and/or styles from style.css or sript.js of the repository, please mention this or use the following for the footer of your website.

<footer class="footer">
    <div class="container text-center">
        <span class="text-muted">&copy; <a href="https://combinoob.github.io">Nirjhar Nath</a></span>

If you like the dark mode as default, you can replace <html lang="en" class="light"> by <html lang="en" class="dark"> in line 2 of every .html file of the combinoob.github.io repository.

I had been considering updating my website for a while now. My old website still lives in the old-website repository of my GitHub profile. You are allowed to use the source code of this website also, including the above footer in the .html file of your website. The old-website looks like the following:

Old Website